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β€œLearning materials are so advanced that they genuinely support teachers in their work” – How the schools’ digital leap was done and what could be learnt from it

...term. “When the announcement of the transition to distance education was given, our company – and probably other companies, too – reached the conclusion: we want to pitch in and...

Semi-annual Finnish Book Market Bulletin 2020

...coronavirus this spring mostly unscathed. Finns obeyed the rules set by the government and kept the spread of the virus in check. In isolation, people sought out the company of...

Market Insights

...Publishing Company Ltd., Otava Book Foundation Karo Hämäläinen, Journalist, author Laura Karlsson, Director / Finnish Booksellers Association Outi Mäkinen, Publishing Director / Tammi / Werner Söderström Ltd. Sakari Laiho, Director...


Detailed data on books sales and publishing in Finland, collected from our member organisations. Note: The three different statistic reports are not directly comparable due to differences in data collection...